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Preservation Projects

Front Door Screen

May 21, 2024 | Preservation Projects

Front Door Screen

Liljestrand board member Brian Lam recently rebuilt the entry koshi-do. The original latticed redwood, glued and nailed together, was falling apart. Brian used hinoki wood, power tools to rough out the joinery, followed by hand-tool finishing. While Brian worked on the wood, John Reyno of Hawaii Modern and architect Craig Steely installed the new brass screen. They were able to salvage and reuse the original redwood frame. The finished screen is stunning! Thank you Brian! And thank you John and Craig for the expert assist! 



Was it a movie? Was it a dream? It’s just an amazing story of people who are inspired and curious and demanding and creative and sooo… unique. Thank you very much for your preservation.

— Guest Book Entry

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The Liljestrand House is listed on the Hawai‘i State and the United States National Register of Historic Places.

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